Brandon Leroy on Clubhouse

Updated: Sep 4, 2023
Brandon Leroy Clubhouse
192 Following
@bleroy Username


Whether it’s a serious debate or a pile of juvenile, goofy ridiculousness! I want in! Let’s have the conversations that count and the ones that make your cheeks & stomach cramp from pure laughter. Let’s spread knowledge, wisdom. Not some bullshit lies. I’m wanting to be a person of substance who knows no enemies; only others who harbor resentment, hatred, & petty disputes. Ppl who wish to harm but whom I hold out hope. Hope they may see past that and recognize we’re kin who will accomplish greatness for the future, but only together can we do it! We’re not animals, we live in a society. Lol. When did we decide we have to hate ppl who disagree? United we stand divided we fall well let’s unite here & look forward at a future that could really be amazing. I’m a substance abuser and relatively fuct up! What’s your cross to bare? Because I also have an immense amount of compassion & love for y’all, my ppl, my neighbors, my countrymen! It’s almost too much so let’s chop it up and spread that shit united under a common belief that we can do better together, how our POVs differ doesn’t matter! As 1, we’re unstoppable, capable of bringing forward a mighty future enacting change on a new level, for the right ppl. I’m tired of chasing dragons and I know I’m not alone. So let’s throw some bones, mount up some conversation & become that immovable force formerly recognized as a community of soft words, but always heard because together we can swing a big ass f’ing stick! We were the USA! & friends, allies, fellow travelers, warriors, no longer alone on this amazing blue world! Let’s use our strength in numbers and intelligent, open minded, discussion to build a stronger more joyful world! Mad Love ❤️ people!!!

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