Entrepreneur Lifestyle my whole life. The ability to do what I want, when I want, with who I want.
Covert Capital Ventures - investing in Healthcare & Technology Companies. We are currently angel investors in many pre-IPO start ups.
Serial “Accelerator For Success” for entrepreneurs over the last three decades. Looking forward to a phenomenal 2021!
My beginning: protege of Jay Abraham - which allowed me the get on the inside of 23 companies to see how they work and grow them.
Worked and help build the Success Channel (TPN) - 1990’s with Darren Hardy (Success Magazine Publisher) - featuring the top Speakers of the day.
Studied and implemented the life work of 100’s of successful business masters.
Past National Trainer for Tony UPW Robbins Events / Coaching. Developed the DVD program called: Accelerator For Success using the DREAM BAR CAFE Principles.
Let’s connect! afsinvest@gmail.com
Married to a wonderful woman. We have two amazing boys together that are excelling in every area of life. Sometimes it feels like we are their personal drivers getting them to all of their sporting events, trainings, and games. Living on the Seacoast of NH in New England.
What funded all this fun & excitement: we have been protecting homeowners greatest asset since 1987 www.SeacoastRoofingNH.com
Invited by: Lou Bortone
if the data has not been changed, no new rows will appear.
Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
March 02, 2024 | 75 | -1 | -1.4% |
March 21, 2023 | 76 | +2 | +2.8% |
January 27, 2023 | 74 | +1 | +1.4% |
September 29, 2022 | 73 | -1 | -1.4% |
August 08, 2022 | 74 | +2 | +2.8% |
July 02, 2022 | 72 | +2 | +2.9% |
April 18, 2022 | 70 | +1 | +1.5% |
September 22, 2021 | 69 | -1 | -1.5% |