V Kaushik on Clubhouse

Updated: Dec 23, 2023
V Kaushik Clubhouse
522 Following
@beyondspacetime Username


न बन्धुर्न मित्रं गुरुर्नैव शिष्य:

देश काल वस्तु परिच्छेद शून्यम।

Bharat, that is not India!

Anti state , Pro Bharat !

Freedom is yet to be achieved !

The only verdict is vengeance!

"Common sense shatters the fetters of the letters"

Lacto Vegan 🥛🍦🍧 !!

Entrepreneur | Student of Advait Vedanta | Kabbalah Mysticism | Kundalini Yoga | Cricketer at mind | Physics is Love | Aspire Decentralised State & Economy | Deinstitutionalize Media & Entertainment and Education

Stock Markets | Technical Chart Analyst | Option Table Analyst | Elliott Wave Theory

Green I smoke, White I speak, Blue I wear, Saffron I desire, colourless I am !

Genre 🎷 : Informal (Advaita) Vedanta, Integral Humanism

💪Advait Vedanta is tooth and nail of Sanatan Dharma

Oppressor since 10000 years | Male Chauvinist | Brahminical Patriarch

"Respect women because being a man is already so respectable."

🏅Feminazis call me a misogynist !

🏆Muslims called me a terrorist on CH !

ग़ैर मुमकिन है हालात की गुत्थी सुलझे
अहले दानिश ने बहुत सोच के उलझाया है।।

History is propaganda! 📢

मौन व्याख्या प्रकटित परब्रह्मतत्व युवानं।

"Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation" ~Rumi

📍Hissar | Silvassa | Chandigarh

🎤 Hindi | Haryanvi | Punjabi | English | Gujarati

Argue with me, I won't let you win.
Criticise me, I shall appreciate
Love me, I shall let you in.
To your hatred , I won't reciprocate !

Break notion, not nation !

🔪 2nd best debater on CH --> @pinakhasta

Alt I'd - @mystiquopulent

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