Gaurav Pandey on Clubhouse

Updated: Oct 19, 2023
Gaurav Pandey Clubhouse
97 Following
@awlraven Username


I cannot teach you, nor can you learn from me - but you can teach me, and I can learn from you."~GCK😊❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏

🇮🇳I love Humanity❤️. And I love the 🌍Earth Forgiveness, & Loving❣️ Kindness are the way! I'm a Giver but also I am one who will graciously receive.😊 Being true to who I am - (i.e. becoming more aware and further awakening consciousness) - is paramount in my life! Growing, becoming more completely human with each moment, I acknowledge that I am alive.😊

"Please tell me what you believe, yes, I am interested. But, I will ask you if you want to help me, too. Can you save my life?😊❤️ If yes, then, now, I am learning something " ~GCK

"Submit to Love...but without thinking..." ~ RUMI

"Walk as if you are kissing😘 the earth🌍 your feet👣 “ –Thich Nhat Hanh with

"It is always the right✌️ time to do the right thing." Martin Luther King, Jr.

"When I look inside and see that I'm nothing, that's wisdom😊. When I look outside and see that I'm everything, that's love. And between these two, my life turns." ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj❣️

❤️Love, True & Real Friendship, Forgiveness, Communication, Bravery & Support, Forever! Respond to calls for goodness. Be kind, always, to Everyone, Everywhere!😊

I'm a humanist. What I do? I dedicate my life and time to affirmation - supporting and lifting others towards hope.

"Those we win by prescription are not the best empowered by our message." ~ GCK & TM

"What's lost is only the invitation to engage🔗" ~ GCK & TM

"Prescription meets resistance. Description embraces" ~ GCK & TM

"Forgiveness🙆 is an opportunity - a gift - for saving lives" ~GCK

"It's ok for you to feel the way that you do, and, for as long as you want & like to do so." ~GCK

"You SHOULD do nothing...but, if you want, you CAN do ANYTHING" ~GCK

"I can choose winning by not playing - but I'd rather play and risk losing; it's so much more fun!" ~GCK

I love engagement, connectedness, depth, and meaningful living. I also like to question things. Change is an adventure for me. My next adventures include a podcast, ClubHouse Room, and a book

I'm really into Freedom; and that means

freedom to be right or wrong. I might not agree with you - but we can still be friends. ). I also like peace

So I will respect you, I won't shut you down, and I will make every effort to be open-minded in a chat room or in a chat with you! Who knows, we might even get to like each other! I sure hope so!

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