Looking for full-time opportunities as Business Analyst | Data Analyst | Data Engineer
University of Illinois at Chicago
LinkedIn 📢http://linkedin.com/in/chaitra-venkateshaiah-33a786119
Invited by: Aishwarya Subramanyam
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
September 26, 2023 | 42 | 0 | 0.0% |
January 06, 2023 | 42 | +1 | +2.5% |
April 14, 2022 | 41 | -1 | -2.4% |
February 20, 2022 | 42 | +5 | +13.6% |
October 24, 2021 | 37 | -2 | -5.2% |
September 17, 2021 | 39 | +22 | +129.5% |