Medicine man honoring the Earth medicines and ancient native ways of living and relating through Embodied Spirituality 🌎
Founder and care taker of the land of the sacred white deer at The Sanctuary 🦌 (, Shamanic Healing Center in the Catskills, New York.
Rewilding of life and land through decolonization, native plants, wild foraging, resilience work and community based work 🌿
Beekeeping 🐝 and permaculture design land with medicinal gardens, arboretum, greenhouse, water collection, solar power ☀️💦
Shamanic Healing, Plant Medicine Healing, Breathwork Practitioner, Sexual trauma healing, Addiction recovery 🌟
I am trained and been under teachers of Peruvian Andean Cosmovision lineage for over 10 years and Norse Shamanism. I am certified in trauma healing and recovery, have extensive knowledge on shamanic and ancient native practices and in constant contact, training and embodiment with my native teachers.
IG @TheSanctuary.AngellDeer