CEO & Fundador del Directorio Hispano Serviamigos.Net
Actualmente hay 60.6 millones de hispanos en USA, un 18.5 % de la población total.
-13 años en ventas en la comunidad hispana en Florida, Alabama y Georgia.
-Vocación docente
-Más de 15 años de experiencia en atención al cliente.
📚 Mi mejor titulo de estudio es vivir de las experiencias
-Me gusta aprender, hacer forex y operar en la Bolsa de Valores.
-Aficionado a CH 😉 Me encanta escuchar a los expertos
📍Ocala, Florida “Capital Mundial de los caballos” 🐴
CEO & Founder Hispanic Directory Serviamigos
There are currently 60.6 millions Hispanics in the US, 18.5-% of the total population.
-13 years in sales experience into the Hispanic Community in USA
-Educator vocation
-More than 15 years in customer services.
-I like to learn, doing forex and trading on the stock market.
-CH fans 😉 I love hearing from the experts
📚 My best degree of study is to live from the experiences
📍Ocala, Florida “Horse World Capital of the World” 🐴
Instagram biz @serviamigos
☎️ WhatsApp 🇺🇸 (352) 282-2025
Invited by: Jose Luis Oropeza
if the data has not been changed, no new rows will appear.
Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
March 16, 2024 | 630 | +26 | +4.4% |
April 08, 2023 | 604 | +2 | +0.4% |
October 03, 2022 | 602 | +7 | +1.2% |
August 11, 2022 | 595 | +12 | +2.1% |
July 05, 2022 | 583 | +9 | +1.6% |
May 29, 2022 | 574 | +5 | +0.9% |
April 21, 2022 | 569 | +13 | +2.4% |
March 14, 2022 | 556 | +30 | +5.8% |
January 16, 2022 | 526 | -1 | -0.2% |
December 09, 2021 | 527 | +14 | +2.8% |