Amritesh Kumar on Clubhouse

Updated: Oct 7, 2023
Amritesh Kumar Clubhouse
34 Following
@amriteshdipak Username


Your degree is just a piece of paper, your education is seen in your behavior, attitude and character. No matter how educated, talented, connected or rich you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all.

My biggest mistake is probably weighing too much on someone’s talent and not someone’s personality (character). I think it matters whether someone has a good heart.” Most times people don’t really see what you have but who you are!
Can you be trusted?
Do people see you as being honest?
Can people hold on to your words and promises?
Do you show up on time for meetings?
Do you have a signature of excellence on what you do?
How do you handle provocations?
How do your handle people with different point of views from yours?
It is actually a waste of education when you refuse to see things from other people’s point of view.

Language Nerd
Native Hindi Speaker
Intermediate Sanskrit Learner

Local Dialects I Speak:-
1. Bhojpuri
2. Maithili
3. Bajjika
4. Magahi

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