Ambassador Everett on Clubhouse

Updated: Oct 14, 2023
Ambassador Everett Clubhouse
205 Following
@ambassadorer60 Username


-Ambassador for Christ
-Dedicated to the gospel of Christ
-Biblical Memorization presenter
-Always respectful
-Personal Trainer
-Weight-loss reduction expert
-Body detox with organic herbs
-World class undefeated Tae-Keon-Do Heavyweight Champion of the World

Disclaimer: visiting &/or participating on various Clubhouse platforms does not necessitate that I subscribe &/or endorse their particular religious or theological views
I am committed & dedicated to the following:
1. The doctrine of Christ, as taught by the biblical apostles
2. Laboring diligently in proclaiming the gospel of Christ (the same gospel that Paul preached among the nations)
3. Edifying & equipping the saints in Christ via sound doctrine
4. Endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace
NOTE: You can tune in to my YouTube channel @ “Ambassador Everett.” Don’t forget to click the Subscribe, the Like & the Notification Bell.

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