Alex Raksin on Clubhouse

Updated: Nov 14, 2023
Alex Raksin Clubhouse
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@alexraksin Username


I'm a peer to peer counselor and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist who earlier this year started the, which will hold its first Clubhouse this Friday at 9 AM Pacific U.S. which of course is noon Eastern (and also at about 4 PM England and 9:30 PM India although those of you not foolish enough to live in the United States will have to calculate for the fact that we heathens in America will soon roll our clocks back an hour because of something we call daylight savings time). here's a description of what we're trying to do at :

As we note @, we all need to feel connected to something larger than ourselves. Many of us turn to “the news“ to quench that thirst even though we realize it leaves us dry, failing to tell us anything truly new or directly relevant to our lives. In the 1950s, long before Bill Gates began micro-chipping our brains through vaccines (joke!), researchers Elihu Katz and his partner Karl Lazarsfeld showed how commercials could slip memes (subconscious notions) into our minds, influencing our feelings much as genes help govern our bodies. K and L became academic superstars for inventing the secret sauce that Mad Men subsequently used to cash in on Madison Ave. Lesser known today, however, is their observation that the daily news frame leaves people feeling more—not less—lonely and alienated. is our attempt to make news more social by showing why and how it should matter to or--at least amuse—you.

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