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木津川市山城総合文化センター 体感アート講座 主宰
LUXELAKES A4 美術館 ARIE2019 国際レジデンスプログラム/日中現代美術交流展2019 《適地適作》/野村財団2019年度下期芸術文化助成/六甲ミーツ・アート芸術散歩2017主催者特別賞
/第七回モスクワ国際ビエンナーレ・パラレルプログラム《Yearning for The Sky》/川口市立ギャラリー・アトリア《アートで解明!空気の正体》/木津川アート2016グランプリ+市民賞 など
Visual Artist / Dir: AOIoA (AO Institute of Arts)
AWARD:RokkoMeetsArt, KizugawaArt
Profile details of Akihito OKUNAKA
Artist. Born in Kyoto Prefecture in 1981. Lives in Kyoto Prefecture.
Graduated from Faculty of Education, Shizuoka University, Okunaka is now the co-representative of AO Institute of Arts. He also directs the experience art course at Yamashiro Cultural Center in Kizugawa City, Kyoto Prefecture.
Okunaka became an artist after his experience of working as an art-play instructor at the Shizuoka Prefectural Museum of Art and social welfare facilities for people with intellectual disabilities, during which he learned about modern and contemporary thoughts alongside. He then took a long-term training at AIR program in France, South Korea, and China with the support of Nomura Foundation and The Asahi Shimbun Cultural Foundation and others. In Okunaka's early artistic career, he participated in regional art events around Japan. Gradually he developed as an artist who creates experiential large scale works and workshops.
Besides, he also works as a curator of international art exhibitions, and art therapist for the community. Okunaka suggests a new perspective as an emerging artist through his comprehensive art activities.
Major exhibitions and honors:
LUXELAKES A4 Art Museum ARIE 2019 International Artists Residency Program
JPN and CHN, Contemporary Art Exhibition and Residency 2019 "Right Place, Right Work" Nomura Foundation Art Grant
Rokko Meets Art 2017 Organizer Special Award
7th Moscow International Biennale Parallel Program "Yearning for The Sky"
Kawaguchi Art Gallery, ATLIA "AIR-REAL"
Kizugawa Art 2016 Grand Prix + Citizen's Award etc.
Invited by: Ken Nakamuro
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
May 14, 2024 | 126 | 0 | 0.0% |
July 02, 2023 | 126 | 0 | 0.0% |
October 07, 2022 | 126 | +2 | +1.7% |
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September 27, 2021 | 121 | +2 | +1.7% |