I'll keep it sweet,the hottest debates, the most blood curdling karbaash,and last but not least the odd piece of valuable life advice which you could stumble upon.
You'll be entertained here, so caathi iska dhigg.
#RULE 1: Banned words~dhilo,sharmuuto, walakuwasa,anakuwaso,walaithiinkiwasa,walasha/abaha/hoyatha/ayetha/etc aan wasaa.
#RULE 2: Karbaashing will be regulated by a ethical perspective. It will be stopped by a referee after damage begins to create a critical atmosphere.
#RULE 3: Ms djiboutis opposition must first send in a war declaration ,so the arena can be set up. Be advised if you are already a victim of a previous karbaash you are no longer worthy and must back down.