The Intentional Man (T.I.M.) on Clubhouse

The Intentional Man (T.I.M.) Clubhouse
249 Members
Updated: Apr 21, 2024


Many People have a definition or opinion of who a man is. Infact, the term "real man" is scattered around the internet in a bid to fit the definition of who a man should be into our different world views.

I believe every man should be intentional and deliberate about his life. A man should be in control of his life and avoid manipulation in various forms.

The Intentional Man is a man who takes responsibility and accountability seriously.

This Club is a Club for Men. It's a safe space that makes matters that concerns men a priority.

This Club is Anti Feminism and Pro Egalitarianism...

"My Gospel is not to condemn Women, but to save men." AllaKaduna Nzeogwu
Rule 1: This is a safe space for everyone. Be respectfull. If you come for anybody's personality, Nationality or family... There will be no warning- you'll be banned😐. No Gbas gbos
Rule 2: Don't forget rule 1. You'll be gulagged, gagged, maligned and see yourself enjoying the breeze in the hallway if and only if YOU'RE BEING DISRESPECTFUL😐💙💓❤💙
Rule 3:


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