Trailer editors unite! Anyone currently working in, or just interested in, the trailer editing industry should feel free to join. This is a place where we share our knowledge and help each other become better editors. This is a new group since 2021-06-13 an introduction room will be hosted soon (EDIT 06-18: when the number of members justifies it!), and any feedback is welcome! (EDIT 07-02 - Still fully intend to place the building blocks for this community soon - looking for the time!:) (EDIT 07-12 - Currently, this is on hold. Sorry guys! Whenever the time comes, I’ll ping followers into the first room)
Please be considerate.: Treat each other with respect at all times! Anyone is welcome, as long as they have an interest in trailer editing and can follow this rule.
Be willing to help others out! : Taking the time to explain something that might seem obvious to you can be really valuable to someone with less experience.