Raising Tomorrow's Prophet on Clubhouse

Raising Tomorrow's Prophet Clubhouse
12 Members
Updated: May 4, 2024


You'll be shocked by the prophet of tomorrow's job description and anatomy. Join this club so we may participate in this. Prophets you will be equipped for the most cutting edge prophetic operation by the prophetic synergy.
#1 You must be Born Again: This is a pre-requisite because that which is born of the Spirit is spirit and that which is born of the flesh is flesh. The flesh cannot operate in the prophetic. Christ must be Lord of your Life.
#2 The Code of Teachability & Respect: God's Prophetic program always favors the respectful and humble. To get the best from this Club you must be teachable, and respectful to all members.
#3 Respect Code
#3 You must do all Assignments: To make the Lessons more practical, assignments will be given from time to time to help mentees grasp and link theory to practice.


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