Discourse we deserve on Clubhouse

Discourse we deserve Clubhouse
20 Members
Updated: Jul 1, 2024



Language brings the chaotic world of thoughts into a form that is comprehensible to our minds. We communicate with ourselves and others through language, and in a way, language is the best tool that we have to materialize our thought. The existing knowledge and understanding that we humans have depends heavily on our ability to verbalize our thoughts through language. After all, our knowledge and experience are only accessible to us when expressed in language. Be it the language of mathematics, some visual art form, music, or plain-spoken language, it becomes increasingly important that we understand the nuances of our language such that we have better mastery over this tool. A knife in the hand of a novice means nothing compared to a knife in the hand of a trained assassin. Having better command of language gives better access to our thoughts, and it helps our understanding of the world. One way to gain mastery over any tool is by using it regularly and getting more comfortable with it. In this regard, this club titled "Discourse" is intended to practice the tool called language.

Here we intend to discuss any topic, but the intention is to keep the discussion abstract. This means that the speaker should state the axioms on which his/her argument is founded and then build upon that to make his/her case. Citing some source to back up the statement (including the personal experience) which does not talk about your axioms is discouraged. Because this exercise aims to communicate our ideas to the best of our ability through language, and your personal experience and sources add little to this effort, in part as they might be inaccessible to the person with whom you are having this conversation. For example: "I think dogs are bad because when I was ten, a dog bit me" kind of talk adds no value to the conversation, except for gathering some sympathy. The conversation that we want is: "I find myself thinking that dogs are bad, it might be due to this experience that I had when I was 10. Is our morality also shaped this way? If I did not have had this experience, I would not have found dogs foul, and many people like dogs, Is there something that we can explore here regarding how our experiences shape us." .

Be calm and discuss:


Be calm and discuss

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