HOPE - Hold On Pain Ends on Clubhouse

HOPE - Hold On Pain Ends Clubhouse
2 Members
Updated: May 8, 2024


We all have HOPE. Certainly, HOPE is the reason why we are alive. Unfortunately there are still a lot of people around us who don't get basic necessities of life like food, clothes, shelter, health, care, trust, happiness, etc. They are striving helplessly and they wish to get some help to move forward in life. Through our social media page we HOPE people would step forward and serve for the benefit of humanity.
For example, we can help in many small and effective ways. We could all gift vision to blind people before or after death, donate excess left over food after our daily use or party functions, instead of throwing them away, we could donate blood by bleeding for many patients and save a lots of lives. Similarly, we could donate clothes to orphanages (used or new) instead of throwing them away. We could give tuitions once in a week, to those poor children who can't afford good education due to poverty. We could inform concerned authorities dealing with child care or old aged or mentally sick if in case we find them in streets, and so many other things which we notice but ignore in our daily lives.

We are busy with our own lives and priorities. But there are still many who require our love, care and support to move ahead in life.

HOPE (Hold On Pain Ends) Charity Trust is for a cause and it will only be effective if we all could work collectively for Mankind and Humanity. The things we consider small turns useful or helpful for some others.

HOPE creates change agents across the globe who could work towards upliftment of society economically, socially and educationally.

HOPE we build a nation which Gandhi and other freedom fighters dreamt of. Let's all work towards eradicating these social evils and bottle necks through HOPE for a better INDIA.

Instead of living for ourselves and our loved ones alone, together let's take an oath to serve humanity, mankind and protect our nation from all sorts of social issues which are hindrances to its development. Together we can build a better tomorrow.

wikipedia link : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HOPE_(Hold_On_Pain_Ends)_Charitable_Trust

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