CH-Courthouse on Clubhouse

CH-Courthouse Clubhouse
6 Members
Updated: Jul 14, 2024


Welcome to Club House Court. Where you can fairly settle your club house difference here. Bring your club house lawyers and witnesses too. Be judge by your clubhouse peers.



Admins: Judge, Lawyers, & Bailiff only - Witnesses will be called onto the stage to testify and then return to the audience. The Bailiff will read off the charges at the beginning of the session.

The Audience

You are the jury - You must follow the house to vote. Your vote of guilty or not guilty will be recorded for public record. Thank you in advance for you Clubhouse service.


All parties will discuss the outcome of the final verdict and agree to all terms before the verdict is read. If found GUILTY you can make and appeal after the 3rd day the verdict is announced.

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