Chilling room(let's meet) on Clubhouse

Chilling room(let's meet) Clubhouse
29 Members
Updated: Feb 23, 2024


Be yourself, bring positivity, be respectful.
Going through tough times? Hustling? We talk about everything and anything. Make friends, learn new languages or skills about anything and share what you do if we can help you grow your startup or business or relationship with God or people. Live, love life, make some time to have fun in your life. We play games to relax, and plan trips to gather and meet each other. YOU'RE IN THE CHILLING ROOM

Things to Always remember when going through tough times:
1. Everything can and will change
2. You've overcome challenge before
3. It's a learning experience
4. Not getting what you want can be a blessing
5. Allow yourself to have some fun
6. Being kind to yourself is the best medicine
7. Other people negativity isn't Worth worrying about
8. And there is ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS a solution
Be kind and courteous: creating a warm environment is everyone's responsibility
Respect confidentiality: being part of the group implies mutual trust. what is said in the group stays in the group
no incitement to hatred or harassment: make everyone feel safe


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