Islamic talk(urdu/hindi) on Clubhouse

Islamic talk(urdu/hindi) Clubhouse
63 Members
Updated: Jun 13, 2024


This group is made for sharing islamic information , platforms for intellectual discussions, debates if required.

No one is forced to accept any idea form this club.
Quran says there is no complulsion in (acceptance) religion.

Admins/mods are regulatory body, they can mute or unmute people if they are concerned.

People here can put up their doubts, problems etc.
Have patience to listen to answers, and to question.

Dont ask personal questions to anyone or do personal comments

Admins are not responsible for the ideas of others

Each Admin is responsible for his/her own room.

No political rooms , criticism only when necessary.

Discuss only those things that you have authentic knowledge of with proofs.
No violent talk or behavior:
Admins will not be responsible for behavior of individuals:
Be respectful and recieve respect:


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