The New Earth Experience on Clubhouse

The New Earth Experience Clubhouse
11 Members
Updated: May 4, 2024


The New Earth Experience

It has come to my awareness that the world has been grappled in fear for a while. Long before COVID came into the narrative of our lives, we have been chasing, hungry for power and attention, status and acceptance. During COVID, these fears were amplified as we faced the fear of eradication of our species along with the fear of being controlled by authorities we may not agree with. Post COVID we find ourselves at the brink of a war and global recession. What then do we do? Do we cave into being victims of a fearful narrative or do we step into the light together, lead by example, in hope and with a sense of agency that we have the power to create that which we want to be a part of. 

This is the purpose of the New Earth Experience, to showcase experiencing the human imagination coming to life, as we transition out of the old. It’s bold and beautiful, and we can only do it with remembering what we are capable of (the inner work), aligning to our being-ness to live authentically, and being humble enough to ask a friend for help and extend a hand to the people who need it. As they say we can all use a little help from our friends, our tribe as we build the bridge to more fully experiencing the new earth we want. 
- Collaboration 
- Kindness
- Financial freedom & fulfillment 
- Purposeful work
- Love based decision making 
- Nurturing community spirit 
- Art 
- Healing Journeys 
- Honoring our ancestors 
- Intergenerational value systems

- Mental Health  
- Overall Well-Being 
- Healing Journeys 
*Plant Medicine
* Psychedelics 
* Bio-feedback 
* Mystic Arts 

Technology Enablers:
- Blockchain Tech 
- Crypto Revolution 
- Artificial Intelligence 
- Quantum Physics advancements in Quantum Computing   
Regenerative Practices:
- Soil Advocacy  - Transparency food supply chain 

Economy Movements: 
- Creator Economy
- Circular Economy 
- Green Economy 
- Cooperative Ownership Economies 

The New Earth Experience is an invitation to taste through the experience of others what a more awake society can feel like. 

Join Ann & friends in their conversations of living the transition and building the bridges for others to cross over. 

We are more beautiful, more powerful, together. ✨🚀🌳🐺


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