PET Talk (POL.ECON.TECH) on Clubhouse

PET Talk (POL.ECON.TECH) Clubhouse
25 Members
Updated: Jul 20, 2024


Welcome to PET Talk, where you can join discussions on the overriding matters of politics, economics and technologies of today. Apart from political economy, geopolitical and socioeconomic matters are also in the list. We are students of various interests and specialisations from Politecnico di Torino & University of Milan, but we aim to expand the club’s network to various other universities where students interested in the above mentioned topics can join and disseminate possible solutions to pivotal problems, regardless of their career specialisations.
Do not interject: Don’t interrupt while others are speaking. Wait for them to complete their point. Being a good listener is a virtue of character.
Stay on topic and be concise: Respect other people’s time. Complete your point and let others speak. Also, don’t digress away from the topic.
Be polite and courteous: Kindness amongst people is in need of the hour. So, be polite while speaking or countering other people’s opinion and be mindful of the sensibilities of the stage.

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