A safe space for young muslim women to connect,share experiences, ideas and chill. This space will have convos about a variety of topics. 🧕Strictly for sisters. ❌Not here to judge ourselves or others, here to grow and flourish. 📲DM @simplysuaby(below) if you have ideas to help the club or members flourish
🔴 READ THESE RULES FIRST🔴: Please nominate and invite anyone you think would benefit and contribute to the club. Just tap the right hand corner that reads “invite people” and voila.
🔴RESPECT AND TOLERANCE🔴: Everyone is entitled to an opinion or perspective and so we urge us all to respect each other’s opinions.
🔴Microphone 🔴: Always ensure that your mic 🎤 is muted to avoid feedbacks. Flash your mic if you want to speak or raise your hand and you shall be invited to speak.