Educate and Debate on Clubhouse

Educate and Debate Clubhouse
19 Members
Updated: May 31, 2024


A club that offers members the opportunity to voice opinions respectfully, exchange ideas and to learn from one another. Each session will primarily focus on two subjects, selected by moderators.
Hate Speech is Not Free Speech: The club bestows opportunity for all members to exchange feelings, attitudes and beliefs in a respectful manner.
One Microphone - One Speaker: Speakers will be given 2 minutes (uninterrupted) to express and contribute their opinions to the conversation. Members should not speak-over or interrupt when speakers are relaying their positions.
All Members Shall be Treated with Respect: This is an open arena, one where members will express their views in a responsible and appropriate manner. When opinions differentiate, members will listen and communicate to one another respectfully.

Some Club Members

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