Christian Table Talk on Clubhouse

Christian Table Talk Clubhouse
3.2k Members
Updated: Apr 19, 2024


There's Room At The Table ✝️☦️
Chistian Table Talk ✞ is an apologetic talk show.

“The Kingdom of God is like a Great Banquet Table" Luke 14:1-24

Instagram ➡️christiantabletalk
YouTube ➡️ Christian Table Talk
Tiktok ➡️ Christian Table Talk
E-mail ➡️ [email protected]
Instagram ➡️ @theoneandonlytruth01
Tiktok ➡️ @theoneandonlytruth1

In de naam van de Vader, de Zoon en de Heilige Geest.

Welkom bij Christian Table Talk. Wat kom jij ter sprake brengen? Je bent welkom om plaats te nemen aan tafel.

Christian Table Talk is een (NL/ENG) educatief kennisplatform waarin uiteenlopende onderwerpen ter sprake komen. Hierin is het ons doel om de luisteraar dieper inzicht te geven in het Christelijk geloof, Bijbelse interpretaties en aan het licht te brengen wat ingaat tegen de Kennis van God.

2 Korintiërs 10:5
"We vernietigen argumenten en elke pretentie die zich verzet tegen de kennis van God, en we nemen elke gedachte gevangen om deze gehoorzaam te maken aan Christus."

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Welcome to Christian Table Talk. What do you bring to the table? You are welcome to take a seat.

Christian Table Talk is an (NL/ENG) educational knowledge platform in which various topics are discussed. Our goal is to give the listener a deeper understanding of the Christian faith, biblical interpretations, and reveal what goes against the Knowledge of God.

2 Corinthians 10:5
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”
Be respectful: 1. Don’t insult, swear, curs or cuss out speakers ❌
2: We don't allow speakers with profile pictures that contain sexual and abusive content ❌
3: We dont't allow personal attacks ❌
Stage rules: 1: The moderators have authority over the room. When a moderator is speaking, do not interrupt.
2: Please wait for your turn. We use an order in ptr
Keep it factual:: 1: We don't accept claims without sources. 2: We always fact check in real time.
3: Stay on topic: You will be cut off if you are off topic

Last 30 Records

Day Members Gain % Gain
April 19, 2024 3,298 +49 +1.6%
February 10, 2024 3,249 +70 +2.3%
December 27, 2023 3,179 +18 +0.6%
November 13, 2023 3,161 +13 +0.5%
October 13, 2023 3,148 +47 +1.6%
September 14, 2023 3,101 +157 +5.4%
August 16, 2023 2,944 +77 +2.7%
July 14, 2023 2,867 +26 +1.0%
June 20, 2023 2,841 +439 +18.3%
March 19, 2023 2,402 +33 +1.4%


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