Pot Talk on Clubhouse

Pot Talk Clubhouse
47 Members
Updated: Apr 22, 2024


“Pottalk” searches for answers to questions about the cannabis industry we didn’t know to ask. “Pottalk” is ideal for anyone simply curious to learn about the emerging industry, along with those seeking employment, business, advocacy, and entrepreneurial opportunities.
Socratic Dialogue: “Pot Talk” forums engage in Socratic dialogue. If speaking on “stage,” stay on topic, and allow for others to complete his/her thought before interjecting. This is NOT a pitch-deck space.
Pot Talk Records Sessions (Rooms): “Pot Talk” records sessions and releases recordings in the form of podcasts. By speaking on “stage,” you consent to the recording and release of the recording for public educational purposes.
Visit POTTALK.ORG: Visit pottalk.org to access “Pot Talk’s” video library. Subscribe, for free, to the library to keep abreast of new video releases. Email to [email protected] if interested in collaboration.


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