Welcome to Godpurposed™ 🕊️
An apostolic and prophetic ministry for equipping the Body of Christ to live life in obedience to God.
Godpurposed™ is a God-breathed and Christ-owned ministry. It is the workplace of the Holy Spirit, the seven Spirits of the living God.
As an apostolic and prophetic ministry, operating in the realm of the supernatural, our mission is to lead believers in Christ to walk in the ways and teaching of Yeshua [Jesus] the way the Apostles did through preaching, teaching, prophesying, training, equipping, mentoring, and prophetic intercession with the manifestation of healing, deliverance, signs, miracles and wonders.
👍🏼 If you’d like to give to support the work of this ministry, go to https://linktr.ee/godpurposed