Soul of the Astrologer on Clubhouse

Soul of the Astrologer Clubhouse
325 Members
Updated: Mar 22, 2024


This is a space for lovers of astrology to learn, practice and hone their craft.

The emphasis of the club is astrological learning and application. This focus of this club is in how to use Traditional Astrology as a tool for empowerment and discovery of true purpose. Life works when we align with our purpose.

However, purpose isn't always an exalted "save the world" crusade. Often the key to purpose lies in the issues you are involved in now working in conjunction with the dreams you have for the future. Our constant goal as astrologers should be to bring ourselves and others into alignment with purpose, however it manifest

We will cover all subjects basic and advanced from a traditional astrology standpoint. Traditional astrology has a reputation for being too deterministic and in conflict with concepts around free will. I believe strongly in the power of traditional astrology, and am at the same time committed to trying to understand how to use it as a means to transcend current circumstances. To this end, we will include information on planetary magic, talismans and other remedial practices.

Blind Chart Practice to improve our craft: Delineation and Prediction. So many astrologers make pronouncements without citing chart examples. The way to learn how to read a to read a chart. Once a week we will provide a chart for others to delineate. This will be a great opportunity for those interested in predictive astrology to experiment with their favorite techniques. It will also be a good opportunity for beginners to observe the reasoning behind astrological judgements.

Exploring how to locate the Soul and identify karmic purpose in the Natal Chart. The techniques for locating soul and purpose in the natal chart are simple and effective. I will devote one class a week to locating soul purpose in the natal chart using sample charts and the charts of partcipants.

Last 30 Records

Day Members Gain % Gain
March 22, 2024 325 -1 -0.4%
February 01, 2024 326 +1 +0.4%
December 18, 2023 325 +1 +0.4%
November 07, 2023 324 +2 +0.7%
October 08, 2023 322 +7 +2.3%
September 08, 2023 315 +6 +2.0%
August 10, 2023 309 +14 +4.8%
July 09, 2023 295 +10 +3.6%


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