CaribSpot on Clubhouse

CaribSpot Clubhouse
191 Members
Updated: May 12, 2024




Be sure to follow our group founder @kev 👁👁🛸📙📚

🛑Do NOT block any moderators and DO NOT
record any of our rooms🛑

We the indigenous People, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Aboriginal Natives in Common Law .

Free Speech is paramount silencing alternative
views is censorship...that isn't how we roll.

✨CaribSpot is a social networking group
where people from across the globe come
together to discuss spirituality, consciousness,
health, wellness, cannibis, cryptocurrency,
conspiracy and current events.✨

🔥Our dialog can get fiery at times but we
always find our way back to center. There isn't
much a sound bowl, Om and a quick meditative
session can't fix.😇

🥳We've been running the main room daily (at
times continuously) since August 30th 2021. We
have a diverse group of personalities some more
endearing than others, but diversity of thought
is what keeps us growing. 👊🏽

We are aming to be one of the bigger groups on Clubhouse from the caribbean .
Join us, and bring along some friends. As a
member you are free to open up rooms on any
topic...controversial discourse is welcome. The
gang will file on in and excitedly engage.

Reach out to an admin for access to the repository.

"lf you start a room linked to our club, club
admins may track your room stats via""76627


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