THE ETIQUETTE on Clubhouse

5 Members
Updated: May 4, 2024


This is THE ETIQUETTE- an Olive branch of TheLoveAdvocate Int'l💞

?Have you ever felt some kind of discomfort by the actions/behaviors of someone else, maybe a friend, a neighbor or a colleague?

?Have you ever reasoned why some people behave in the way and manner they do? I am talking about some unethical/uncivilized behaviors. Could it be as a result of the upbringing they had, or the kind of environment they find themselves?

✓What attributes can be termed uncivil & unethical?
✓How best can we live our lives without negatively impacting others or causing them some kind of discomfort?
✓What is the global standard as regards Social Etiquette?
✓What are the globally accepted ethical & moral behaviors?

THE ETIQUETTE is out to provide answers to these and many more budding questions 🎤✍️

THE ETIQUETTE is inspired to building a morally conscious and responsive society💯.
.... living the ethical moral life!!
First things first, put off your mic when not Speaking.:
Be civil in the use of words, no foul languages.:
Only Leaders can host a room.:

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