大北京 welcome to Beijing on Clubhouse

大北京 welcome to Beijing  Clubhouse
4.9k Members
Updated: Jun 25, 2024


Welcome to Beijing!
子club: 北京故宫博物院、新新文化有限公司


如果club member中有任何违法犯罪/宣扬违法犯罪者,请立即与club管理员联系。
❤️本次活动由”大北京Welcome to Beijing” Club倾情赞助。
👉🏻美西时间每周五晚6:30 北京时间每周六早9:30👈🏻
✅报名请找:主任 二爷@Channelfx ins:faysaybiu

🚩欢迎大家参加克拉布豪斯亿言堂中文辩论赛 本次活动由亿言堂club和大北京club联合承办。

大北京Club联手CNN新闻制作人Ika Ferrer Gotich (@ikaferrergotich),向广大亚裔同胞们征集有关种族歧视的真实故事,并将于周六在CNN电视台上播出。如果您有意向我们匿名提供相关素材,请联系管理员的Profile,通过Instagram私信管理员。

Club “Welcome to Beijing” with CNN news producer and anchor Ika Ferrer Gotich (@ikaferrergotich) are officially collecting any story that is related to the topic “ASIAN HATE”, and will be reported on CNN this Saturday. If you are willing to provide any useful information anonymously, feel free to contact the founders of this club through Instagram Messenger. You can contact our administrators.

Let’s stand for ALL ASIANs, we are looking forward to your story! Thanks.
Beijing, China’s sprawling capital, has history stretching back 3 millennia. Yet it’s known as much for modern architecture as its ancient sites such as the grand Forbidden City complex, the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Nearby, the massive Tiananmen Square pedestrian plaza is the site of Mao Zedong’s mausoleum and the National Museum of China, displaying a vast collection of cultural relics.
请不要骂人污蔑,不要人身攻击,有话咱们好好说。: 如果您骂人,Moderator有权利Mute您。
Moderator们不允许踢人: 请Moderator们不要随意将群众抱上抱下,请尊重所有Speakers的发言权。
欢迎积极举手发言: 欢迎各位提出各种问题,意见建议;欢迎各种技能展示,例如:唱歌 朗诵 演奏 演讲 配音,目前不支持舞蹈和魔术,谢谢您的合作。







欢迎各位提出各种问题,意见建议;欢迎各种技能展示,例如:唱歌 朗诵 演奏 演讲 配音,目前不支持舞蹈和魔术,谢谢您的合作。

Last 30 Records

Day Members Gain % Gain
June 25, 2024 4,940 +4 +0.1%
March 20, 2024 4,936 +5 +0.2%
January 30, 2024 4,931 +8 +0.2%
December 16, 2023 4,923 +6 +0.2%
November 06, 2023 4,917 +5 +0.2%
October 06, 2023 4,912 +64 +1.4%
September 07, 2023 4,848 +21 +0.5%
August 09, 2023 4,827 +15 +0.4%
July 08, 2023 4,812 +27 +0.6%
June 15, 2023 4,785 +82 +1.8%
March 15, 2023 4,703 +312 +7.2%
November 22, 2021 4,391 -4 -0.1%
November 20, 2021 4,395 +6 +0.2%
November 18, 2021 4,389 +2 +0.1%
November 10, 2021 4,387 +1 +0.1%
November 01, 2021 4,386 +2 +0.1%
October 31, 2021 4,384 +6 +0.2%
October 29, 2021 4,378 +121 +2.9%
August 27, 2021 4,257 +2 +0.1%
August 26, 2021 4,255 +15 +0.4%
August 25, 2021 4,240 +805 +23.5%
August 24, 2021 3,435 +10 +0.3%
August 23, 2021 3,425 +267 +8.5%
August 22, 2021 3,158 -2 -0.1%
August 21, 2021 3,160 -1 -0.1%
August 19, 2021 3,161 -2 -0.1%
August 17, 2021 3,163 -1,049 -25.0%
August 16, 2021 4,212 +6 +0.2%
August 15, 2021 4,206 +7 +0.2%
August 14, 2021 4,199 +5 +0.2%


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