¬Meinong's jungle on Clubhouse

¬Meinong's jungle Clubhouse
65 Members
Updated: Mar 22, 2024


🔹Good faith discussions related to veganism, theism, ethics, etc.

🔹Our rooms will generally have few speakers on stage. If you want to discuss a topic in the club, message one of the admins with the proposition or question to be discussed and we may set it up.

🔹If you have a history of casually biting insane bullets, rambling unclear "critiques", going on tangets, or being bad faith in general, we'll be less likely to bring you up to speak on related topics.

🔹If you have interesting views that you can communicate clearly, show an ability to understand and analyze opposing views, and can potentially have your mind changed, we may want to have you on as a speaker more often.

🔹Certain interruptions are allowed, e.g, if the interlocutor is attacking a strawman, going on a tangent, dodging a question, etc, it can be pointed out to allow the individual to get back on track.

🔹In case of any disputes, mod/admin decisions are final.
Keep in mind: questions aren't arguments: Questions aren't arguments. The mere act of asking a question doesn't entail a critique of the individual's view has been delivered.
Keep in mind: arrogance ≠ accuracy: Confidence, arrogance, use of jargon or rhetorical tricks don't entail the soundness of the argument or truth of the proposition in question.


Keep in mind: questions aren't arguments

Questions aren't arguments. The mere act of asking a question doesn't entail a critique of the individual's view has been delivered.

Keep in mind: arrogance ≠ accuracy

Confidence, arrogance, use of jargon or rhetorical tricks don't entail the soundness of the argument or truth of the proposition in question.

Last 30 Records

Day Members Gain % Gain
March 22, 2024 65 0 0.0%
February 01, 2024 65 0 0.0%
December 18, 2023 65 0 0.0%
November 07, 2023 65 0 0.0%
October 08, 2023 65 0 0.0%
September 08, 2023 65 0 0.0%
August 10, 2023 65 -1 -1.6%
July 09, 2023 66 0 0.0%
June 16, 2023 66 -1 -1.5%
March 16, 2023 67 0 0.0%
January 23, 2023 67 -2 -2.9%
April 30, 2022 69 -1 -1.5%
March 26, 2022 70 +1 +1.5%
March 11, 2022 69 +8 +13.2%
November 23, 2021 61 +3 +5.2%


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