Breaking The Mould:Asian Women who Coach on Clubhouse

Breaking The Mould:Asian Women who Coach Clubhouse
10 Members
Updated: Jun 23, 2024


A club for those who want to spot light Asian Women who Coach and discuss the obstacles that make us a minority in the health & wellness space. Focus on generational trauma, cultural shame & breaking the patriarchal mould on your journey via self love & a path of divinity
This is a safe space for women ♥️: There may be closed rooms from time to time to enable women to share freely & safely
The divine masculine is just as important as the feminine 🙏🏼: This isn’t a space for male bashing… All opinions are welcome!
No racism, sexism, classism… any ism of any kind really 😝: This is an open space to all to try and bring some light to why Asian women don’t step into the coaching and wellness space!

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