中/高级英语课程 Medium/Advanced English Classes on Clubhouse

中/高级英语课程 Medium/Advanced English Classes Clubhouse
194 Members
Updated: May 3, 2024


There are many reasons to improve your English: increasing one's professional skill for those working/studying in an English-speaking country, cultivating language fluency in international business for those living in Asia, developing better communication for talking with your children growing up in the West or simply developing personal interest and self-improvement. If you are interested in this club and you can quickly comprehend this blurb, then this club is for you. 欢迎 😄

As the number of interested people increase for each session, I will be reducing the number of those who will join me on stage to interact with me for the purpose of retaining the quality of the course. The reason comes from my pedagogical philosophy of language learning which emphasizes heavily on feedback and interaction between teacher and student. For this interaction to be meaningful, the ratio between teacher-student must be low.
- At the beginning, I will simply prioritize students who a) RSVP on the event via clicking the bell and b) send me a CH private message requesting to be on stage to interact with me in English

*下一课: 1月27号周五美西时间晚上 6:30pm/美东时间 9:30pm (亚洲时间周六上午10:30am)
- 课题: 😆 梵高传记摘录 Reading Van Gogh 😆


{If you are interested in financially supporting these Clubhouse English Classes, please do so via PayPal to "[email protected]".
By doing so, I will offer more online classes throughout the year and provide the sender with priority placement to interact with me during the classes. After you send your donation, please 给我发小飞机 and simply write "为中/高级英语课程的捐资“ 再加 PayPal 名或电邮地址.}

// 一对一补习的查询,请直接给我发小飞 // 学费:每小时 $70 加币 (This is the Early Bird Rate as my tutoring business will officially launch in late 2023 at which time the rate will increase. However, for existing students, I will honour this current rate even after the increase. The only thing I require from Early Bird students is to write a review of their tutoring experience with me.)

(Unfortunately, I am not offering lower-level English teaching.)
Respect: Only in a respectful environment can we all effectively learn English.
Teachability: Teachability includes two parts:
1) Humility to be corrected - When you are corrected directly or indirectly, will you accept the correction and resolve to change?
2) Intentional Change - After you have received correction in language training, will you put the new knowledge into practice outside the classroom so that you can get better?
Participation: If you are on the stage, please speak during times of discussion and practice. My pedagogy and learning philosophy is that only by practice and receiving real-time feedback from a teacher can effective learning take place.

If you come on stage and do not want to speak, please return back to the audience. Thank you for your cooperation.

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