DA BAIT LEAGUE on Clubhouse

257 Members
Updated: Mar 21, 2024


Greetings! My name is Trentiss Wade and I am a professing Christian. I created this channel for all who would like to engage in fruitful dialogue with like-minded (and even some not so like-minded) individuals from all walks of life. It is all-inclusive. This channel will not discriminate or exhibit any form of prejudice at anytime. NO FORM OF DISRESPECT WILL BE TOLERATED. RULES STRICTLY ENFORCED. NO EXEMPTIONS. I am not here to present myself as a scholar/professor, theologian, historian, activist/politician, etc. My one and only goal is to have real conversations with real people so that we can come to some real resolutions and work towards achieving some real results. So, having said that, enough said. #YaHearMe

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