Come One Come All! This SPACE on Clubhouse was created for the talkative,the introvert,the free thinker,the extrovert,the open minded,the free spirited,the bored,the stressed,the lonely..AND... Quite literally ANYONE and EVERYONE who wants or needs a free space to talk,speak out,speak up,vent,offer advice,recieve advice,learn or listen. The room is set up to be left 🗣OPEN 24/7 for members to utilize ANYTIME Day or night. This Space is Perfect for those who can't find a particular topic on Clubhouse during a certain day time to begin a Topic of your own while making new connections to stay connected with in on the Clubhouse platform. If you tend to join rooms with alot of people where you find you are limited talk time or experiencing Mic hogs or being stuck down in the audience with hand raising turned off..This is the Club for you. Whatever it is you desire to talk about..Get It Out! 😁
And..Of course. P O S I T I V I T Y is ALWAYS a Must
(self explanatory 🤪)