Critical Conversations in Education on Clubhouse

Critical Conversations in Education Clubhouse
593 Members
Updated: Jul 22, 2024


We are now a house!
As the founder/host/moderator I welcome you to the Critical Conversations in Education. Everyone is welcome here as long as you are respectful. In this house we will discuss various curriculums, Child Development, Brain Development , Developmental Disorders, Pedagogy, EarlyChildhood Education, K-12, Collegiate Programs ,Support Systems in Education, Curriculum, Current Research, Policy, Equity, Racism, Justice and the importance of advocacy for Children , Teachers and Families. We are advocates who readily unpack current events as well as uncomfortable topics. Ultimately, we are solution based. In this space we will discuss ways we can dismantle and improve the current school system, systemic issues.
Be respectful and kind to everyone.: We all appreciate respect and kindness. We seek to share our expertise and also learn from each other in a respectful fashion. We value everyone’s experiences , perspectives .
Be mindful of how long you speak. It is our goal to have everyone be heard and valued. We generally will reset the room. Be considerate of others by keeping your share to a reasonable length 2-3min and leave space for others to also speak.
Do not interrupt others.: Allow others to finish before interjecting. Great rule of thumb is to raise your hand to be called onto the stage. When you are on stage flash your mic , be patient and a moderator will call on you.


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