Shia Muslim Club on Clubhouse

Shia Muslim Club Clubhouse
249 Members
Updated: Mar 20, 2024


A Muslim club for everyone to enjoy regarding civil intrafaith conversations with our Muslim brothers and sisters as well as a place for interfaith discussion to proselytize.

No drama, wahhabi/shirazi extremists, takfir, and cursing please 🙏
Dont curse the certain Sahaba that Shia disagree with Sunnis: Exceptions only for the Ummayad and Abbasid dynasties whom are cursed by even Sunnis - there is to be no provoking our Sunni brethren even by that clause. This protects the ummah and weakens dajjal!
Enjoin the good and forbid the evil: Defined by Imam Hussain (as), enjoining the good means summoning people to Islam (therefore the dawah must always continue) and forbidding the evil is as it literally means. Be nice and courteous!
Speak English: We have many communities and cultures, but discourse must always be conducted in English to reflect the app and audience. Of course exceptions are made for recitations in the language of revelation!

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