Vernacular Systems on Clubhouse

Vernacular Systems Clubhouse
17 Members
Updated: Mar 28, 2024


There are constraints within the mundane things we do day to day. Creativity can only flourish with constrains because it forces you to use what you have..but only if you if you allow it to. You need to think INSIDE the box, to build through and innovate out of it using the tools inside that box.

Here we explore the various topics of how we precieve the world, the visual rhetoric, aural heirachies and semiotics that surround us and how they affect our perceptions and decisions.

🗣️Why is this important?

🚻Discussing and revealing the WHY of various inhibitions it allows us to then break down some of the subconcious patterns we fall into
🚮With better understanding of the psychology of people's actions, words and designs, you can see how it manipulates others..both for good and bad.
🛂Speaking out about our cognative biases can help us uncover fallacies
♿By using your critical thinking you can apply your knowledge to empathize with others from different paths in life and cultures which can help with topics like accessibility

Still have no idea what I'm talking about? Here's an example: If you know a bit about colour theory you know that the bold colours red and yellow are used to signal hunger and are mostly used in fast food joints. The same can be applied in other realms - What political figures use colours to build feelings like trust? By understanding this you have more control. Now this was only an obvious and visual example...we are surrounded by many others that affect all of our other senses that subconciously drive our interactions in our everyday experiences that can either sell us stuff or can help guide us out of a burning building.

Just some keywords to help this be found:
systems , systems thinking , innovation , CPS , creative problem solving , architecture , design , analytical skills , future , universal design , inclusive design , strategy , strategies , strategize

Last 30 Records

Day Members Gain % Gain
March 28, 2024 17 0 0.0%
February 07, 2024 17 0 0.0%
December 24, 2023 17 0 0.0%
November 11, 2023 17 0 0.0%
October 12, 2023 17 0 0.0%
September 12, 2023 17 0 0.0%
August 14, 2023 17 0 0.0%


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