Iron Sharpens Iron: Expository Teaching on Clubhouse

Iron Sharpens Iron: Expository Teaching Clubhouse
1.4k Members
Updated: Apr 17, 2024


“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” Proverbs‬ ‭27:17‬ ‭NLT‬‬ As a friend and in love this group have been created to sharpen one another spiritually. Together we will expound upon the Word of God by digging deep below the surface of the scripture or topic and pulling out the true meaning of the scripture. Revelatory word on the scripture will be given by our panelists on how the scripture speaks to us today. We will examine the text from contextual, historical, and literal angles. Everyone’s input is valuable regardless if you have title attached to your name or not. At no time will any subject turn into a debate. Iron Sharpens Iron will be a safe place to discuss the word in depth and also a place to come for prayer. Each topic is subject to the move of Holy Spirit and shift accordingly. At the end of every room, those on the panel will be given the opportunity for a one minute pitch for their ministry, business, books, or clubhouse room. Please join us every Saturday 10 AM EST/ 9 AM CST and invite a friend as we sharpen one another in the Word of God.

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