Schoolhouse Rock on Clubhouse

Schoolhouse Rock Clubhouse
111 Members
Updated: Mar 24, 2024


Schoolhouse Rock is dedicated to providing practical advice to parents & grandparents. We talk about real kid shenanigans & suggest solutions to the most baffling of kid problems.
Confidentiality Honor Code: We ask ALL conversation within the walls of SchoolHouse Rock remain CONFIDENTIAL. Children will be discussed & there will be a no tolerance policy for repeating anything said in this club.
Treat others with Respect: We strive to be an example to other Clubhouse groups by discussing controversial topics at times, along with provocative discussions with disagreements. We treat others with curtesy & respect.
Disclaimer & Dismissal: SchoolHouse Rock is not a substitute for professional help. If Administrators/Moderators have evidence of a child being abused, an administrator will report to DHHS as required by law.

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