Leadership Academy for immigrants on Clubhouse

Leadership Academy for immigrants Clubhouse
10 Members
Updated: May 14, 2024


Gilany Leadership and Learning has hired the best personal development experts, Doctors and authors and film makers all under one roof online . Transformation happens when you move from ideas to actions in a deliberate way." Similar to a vision or strategy, it's about planning to be successful by following through.

We've all heard the misleading statistic that "half of all efforts of most graduates from regular educational institutions performance fail." While I agree that many about 75% graduates work in different field than what they studied ten years after graduation, I'm more interested in "why they fail."

Determining what can be accomplished over set periods (often things never before done or attempted) can test anyone's nerves and result in chasing targets versus the organization toward the actual strategy or vision.

This is why the discipline of learning how to manage the execution of your business is so vital to organizational success today.

Strategy execution requires time and resources that many leaders believe they don’t have. When the strategy progress is altered, slowed, or made to look indecisive, it sends a negative message to the team that “transforming the business is not that important,” which gives teams naturally averse to change (or have not been given enough information and reasons to support the change) a reason not to comply with the effort.

And it goes much deeper.

The ability to transform an individual or a business requires a strong adherence to cultural beliefs that place trust and confidence in an organization's ability to collaborate, innovate, and identify creative solutions to change.

As a leader, if you truly want transformative change to happen, you must ask yourself this one question; “what am I willing to do?”

Are you willing to be the courageous and committed leader it takes?

EMAIL: [email protected]
WEBSITE: https://arifgilany.com/
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arif-gilany/?originalSubdomain=ca
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/arif.gilany.7
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/?next=%2F
YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC70uB11Z0_zxLaCQLgP_2_Q

Note: Watch this https://youtu.be/roHtIDwqy9Q
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