MyceliOhm Network on Clubhouse

MyceliOhm Network Clubhouse
7 Members
Updated: Jun 14, 2024


Welcome to the MyceliOhm Network.

We are constantly writing our futures moment by moment. A prime example of this is happening underneath the noses of society at large within Blockchain Technology. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain solutions are quickly becoming the gateway to the future of how not only finances are exchanged, but it has begun to expand into some of the most influential global industries. This includes insurance, education, art, social issues, real estate, entertainment, politics, the workforce and more.

Our question to you is... why not wellness? If there is anything more strictly hoarded and manipulated than money, it is very likely to be health and lifestyle techniques. Seeing as health should ethically not be referred to as big business, and empowering each others health can lift us all up, we are looking to expand the incredible resources available in the new realms provided by the crypto space into the manifestation of wellness that can be granted to all, and not something to be earned or favored to the elite. Join us in expanding the ways that we can offer equal opportunities in health and wellness to all beings. Connecting and empowering likeminded service providers and customers all over the globe to achieve a new height of health and wellness for humanity and our environments.

The MyceliOhm Network aims to empower communities globally through sharing knowledge, connecting resources and educating those who wish to learn.

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