सानो पाइला on Clubhouse

सानो पाइला Clubhouse
16 Members
Updated: May 28, 2024


Have you ever been afraid to express your opinion? Have you ever believed you're not good enough? Or you thought your ideas and opinions had merit but you were unable to articulate your perspective?  Don't worry now, this is the club where you can improve your public speaking habit. You can put any ideas and build up a little confidence everyday related to geography, history, culture, art, music, technology, business, health, psychology, gender, life and many more.  ❤

As human beings we all have problems, most of the time those problems are simple to solve. In fact the solution is there, right under our feet, the thing is it takes time and commitment.

you don't climb a ladder with one huge step, you have to take one step at a time. You need to keep on going until you reach your destination.  You should not look for immediate results. It does not matter if it is little or big, progress is still progress.

Don’t worry about mistakes . Nobody's perfect. We make mistakes. We say wrong things. We do wrong things. We fall. We get up . We learn. We grow. We move on. We live.

Everyone is welcome here. Let's grow together.🙏

Note: "Please note that the opinion expressed in rooms associated with this club are solely those of the speakers and we do not take any responsibility for their words"


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