Snack On Podcasts on Clubhouse

Snack On Podcasts Clubhouse
44 Members
Updated: May 20, 2024


We discuss about new podcasts we've discovered. Upto 3-5 podcast suggestions and small descriptions every show. Podcasts of all genres. We'll wrap 🌯 this up before your snack finishes. P.S. chew properly.

Show formats:
- Discover new podcasts
- Episode discussions (did you hear that show?!)
- Podcast discussions (If you like ___, you might like ___)

Room scheduled every Sunday noon, IST.


Episodes discussed on Aug 15th:

1. 99% invisible: #454: Was, Famine, Pestilence and Design.
2. The Daily: The Taliban's Advance
3. Dr. Mike Martin: Update on Afganistan

Shows discussed on Aug 8th:

1. 3 Missing Headlines: J Queen: Ruhie
2. The Lit Pickers: Maed In India
3. The Story Collider: Story Collider
4. The Moth: PRX
5. Aaron Mahnke's Cabinet of Curiosities: iHeartRadio



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