Asalam Walikum brothers and sisters
Welcome to the club
This club will be promoting the true teachings of the Salaf us saliheen, the way they understood the two primary sources Quran and Sunnah.
It will also be promoting the two great imams of Aqeedah who transmitted that understanding through chains to our times.
Imam Mansur al Matrudi and Imam Abu Hasan Al Ashari (may allah bless their souls)
Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad ibn Hajar al-Haytami (d. 974/1567)
Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Haytami defined the Sunni Muslims as follows in his book:
Fath al-jawad:
"A mubtadi (innovator) is the person who does not have the faith (aqid'ah) conveyed unanimously by the Ahl as-Sunnah. This unanimity was transmitted by the two great Imam Abu'l Hasan al-Ashari (d.324/936; Rahimahullah) and Abu Mansur al-Maturidi (d.333/944; Rahimahullah) and the scholars who followed their path.
We will also be promoting the True theology of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal and the Atharia way as was transmitted by great scholars who followed his way.
This Club will Also Allow respectful comparative religious discussion for inviting none Muslims to islam.
This club will be strictly promoting the true Aqeedah of the Salaf us saliheen
Day | Members | Gain | % Gain |
June 09, 2024 | 13 | +1 | +8.4% |
March 11, 2024 | 12 | +1 | +9.1% |
January 21, 2024 | 11 | +2 | +22.3% |
December 08, 2023 | 9 | 0 | 0.0% |
October 31, 2023 | 9 | +1 | +12.5% |
October 01, 2023 | 8 | +1 | +14.3% |