NO SELLOUT ZONE on Clubhouse

488 Members
Updated: Jun 14, 2024


Welcome to the NO SELLOUT ZONE… This club is designed to be a safe space for so called Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Indians of Negro and Indian descent to come and build on religion, race, geopolitical issues, life topics in general, ect. If you’re coming to this club with a Hoppin’ Bob (LIFE) Uncle Ruckas (BOONDOCKS) or Stephen (DJANGO) spirit then I promise you that your experience here on The No Sellout Zone will not be pleasant from the stage to the chat. Now with that being said this club will have a short list of rules and they go as follows. (RULE #1) This platform is ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY 100% BIAS and will always yield to elders, leaders, and/or teachers that I and brothers that will be teaching and/or modded see fit. (RULE #2) There will absolutely be NO CAMP BASHING on this platform period!!! That will not be tolerated and that goes for camp on camp or non camp vs camp. If you take stage and have an issue with ANY brother from a camp additional spaces will be made so that the issue can be resolved privately. We are not here to sow discord among brethren ie ROMANS 16:17-18, PROVERBS 6:19, JAMES 4:11, Mathew 18:15-20. These are the 2 main rules of the club but also these rooms will be conducted with ALL of the rules from spaces such as SICARII DAGGERHOUSE, L.O.Z., RAMGADALGABARYAM, L.O.I., H.O.I., S.O.T., ISUPK, B.O.W., W.F.I., T.O.D/GODFIRSTGANG, as well as others. We look forward to building and edifying our ppl. PEACE AND BLESSINGS
No sowing discord!!!: There will absolutely be NO CAMP BASHING on this platform period!!! That will not be tolerated and that goes for camp on camp or non camp vs camp.
Yield your mic to moderation!!!: This platform is ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY 100% BIAS and will always yield to elders, leaders, and/or teachers that I and brothers that will be teaching and/or modded see fit.
Biblical integrity and/or source presentation!!!: these rooms will be conducted with ALL of the rules from spaces such as SICARII DAGGERHOUSE, L.O.Z., RAMGADALGABARYAM, L.O.I., H.O.I., S.O.T., ISUPK, B.O.W., T.O.D./G.F.G. as well as others


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