Akademi Harimau Asia on Clubhouse

Akademi Harimau Asia Clubhouse
1 Members
Updated: May 13, 2024


To make Malaysia an Asian Tiger, powered by high value productivity for economic growth and development.

1. To create awareness to the rakyat that we, as a nation need to act quickly in increasing productivity towards keeping up with the current trend of global development, before it is too late.
2. Conduct research, promote and support high-tech industries through policy formulation.
3. Create opportunities for Malaysians to participate in high-tech jobs created by the tech industries.
4. Address the unemployment and underemployment problem in Malaysia, particularly among youths.
5. Apply the values of Asian Tiger inspired by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, namely, Knowledge, Integrity, Hardwork and Produce Own Products

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