An amalgam of everything; on Clubhouse

An amalgam of everything; Clubhouse
6 Members
Updated: Mar 10, 2024


As the name suggests, the club is not confined to one thing. You can share your stories, sing and talk about anything...
I'm trying to create an environment where one feels like home and no matter what you say or will be accepted in this club...
Remember life is always a semicolon and never a fullstop;
No interruption: The basic rule is that we have to speak when our turn comes and listen to the one who is speaking, we all have our own stories and we should accept and respect each and every story we listen.
Permission: There are people who just want to share their thoughts and feelings and don't want an advice, so if you have some advice (no matter how useful) you are not suppose to give that without asking.
Respect: All the people joining the room should be respected, the main concept of the club is to make people comfortable. Any disrespectful comments, nuisance and hateful speeches won't be tolerated .


No interruption

The basic rule is that we have to speak when our turn comes and listen to the one who is speaking, we all have our own stories and we should accept and respect each and every story we listen.


There are people who just want to share their thoughts and feelings and don't want an advice, so if you have some advice (no matter how useful) you are not suppose to give that without asking.


All the people joining the room should be respected, the main concept of the club is to make people comfortable. Any disrespectful comments, nuisance and hateful speeches won't be tolerated .


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