Planet Death on Clubhouse

Planet Death Clubhouse
19 Members
Updated: May 14, 2024


Welcome to Planet Death!

We're Luna and Vianca, and we teach people how to live forever. We’re here to turn the way we all think about death, loss, and grieving on it's head.

It's weird to say outside of our private conversations--but WE LOVE DEATH.

No, not in a dark, twisted way (that's another clubhouse), but in a way that we feel has never been discussed thoroughly before.

We believe the way humanity currently perceives death and grief makes LIFE ITSELF way more difficult, scary, and sadly, way SMALLER than it needs to be. Without fully understanding death, our culture fears it, avoids it at all costs, and as a result, we miss out on the very essence that makes us COME ALIVE. We become weakened in spirit, forgetting our inherent, innocently resilient nature, and our lives become small and focused on mere survival as a result.

The more we fear death, the more we forget we are LIMITLESS.

On top of this, without understanding the mechanics of death and the sublime art of grieving, much of humanity's life force energy and POWER that we need to survive and thrive in these times remains UNTAPPED, stuck, and unavailable to us. And this very essential part of a beautiful life is pushed into the shadows, never to be known.

We'll be touching on a range of topics surrounding death that go from practical life matters, (like how to approach someone in grief) to deeply profound implications for humanity as a whole when we befriend death, which ultimately affect the quality of our lives, and that of our loved ones.

Join us leading edge Death Doulas as we explore topics like:
What to say to someone who's grieving
Normalizing conversation around death and grief
The Mastery of Grieving like an Artist and unlocking untapped power
How Death is the first step of Divine Masculine practice
Establishing powerful connection with loved ones who’ve crossed
How to live now so that you live forever How NOT embracing Death leads to more upheaval in the cultural, political, environmental & economical landscape

And more…

Planet Death is the first of a series of key conversations to be born out of A SPLENDID ASSEMBLAGE: a universal, systematic training created to thrive through and beyond the world pandemic. These conversations are to spark the birth of a new, innovative and resilient culture that instinctively thrives under any conditions. *VICTORY VIBES* (Follow us on Instagram @planetdeathdoulas)

Last 30 Records

Day Members Gain % Gain
May 14, 2024 19 0 0.0%
February 23, 2024 19 0 0.0%
January 08, 2024 19 0 0.0%
November 25, 2023 19 0 0.0%
October 22, 2023 19 0 0.0%
September 22, 2023 19 0 0.0%


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